ORS Group | Press release
ORS becomes part of Serco, an international provider of Government services
Zurich, London: - ORS Group, a leading European provider of immigration services, announces today that it becomes part of Serco Group plc (Serco), the international provider of services to governments.
ORS Group was established in Zurich in 1992 and specialises in offering immigration services with a focus on public customers and governments in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Italy. The internationally recognised group, which enjoys a leading position in Europe, ensures that refugees receive professional care from their arrival and housing, through the care they receive during their asylum proceedings, to the assistance given to them with their professional and social integration. The asylum and immigration specialist also contributes significantly to safeguarding the regulated operation of return centres. The ORS Group currently has over 2,000 employees.
Immigration is one of Serco’s core markets and the company has substantial operations supporting the UK and Australian Governments. ORS’s 2,000 employees and experienced management team will provide reach and capability to Serco’s position in immigration services in Europe, as well as adding scale to Serco’s European operations.
Commenting on the acquisition, Gaëtan Desclée, Managing Director of Serco Europe added: ‘ORS is an outstanding specialist in the field of care and integration of asylum seekers and refugees and demonstrates the highest quality and competence on a daily basis in various European countries. Both our businesses share the same values and stand for the highest quality of service and care towards our customers and service users. Serco will support and develop ORS by bringing our deep experience in supporting Governments with their growing requirement for immigration and asylum seeker support services.”
Jürg Rötheli, CEO of ORS, adds: “This partnership with Serco will provide us with new prospects. ORS will continue to serve its customers with the same level of service and professionalism as in the past and we will ensure continuity for our customers in all countries in which we operate and across all fields of activity. Our management team strongly supports the acquisition by Serco and will remain committed to further develop the business under the new ownership.”